For this walk-in closet and chest of drawers, this client wanted to:
– Create a beautiful, personalized space
– Select a work wardrobe and let go of extraneous clothes
– Organize clothes for easy access
My time was 5 hours total.
For clients who want to keep costs down, I can provide DIY assignments.
In this case, I suggested that the client paint the interior of the space and add a shelf, which she did after our work day.
work day
During our work day, the client and I:
– Emptied the closet
-Washed down, vacuumed, and taped the interior for painting
-Sorted items into categories: clothes, jewelry, shoes, scarves, etc.
-Moved items to trash, recycling, donation, relocation piles
-Re-sorted remaining clothing by color and category so the client could see duplicates and choose her favorites
-Assembled outfits, so that every piece of clothing she decided to keep goes with other clothes, such as blouses with specific skirts or pants
-Designated a clear plastic storage tub for out-of-season clothes, so that the hanging rod is only for in-season items
-Showed client the Marie Kondo method of folding clothes for easy access in drawers
-Suggested a new layout so that the focal point of the space is the client’s art work, scarves, and jewelry
-Sent two bags of high-end clothes to ThredUp consignment, donated a carload of nice clothes and housewares to the Refugee Women’s Alliance, and took some bags of worn clothes and linens to fabric recycling